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Function: race()

race(data, container?, options?): Promise<Race>

The main function that generates the racing bar chart.


data: string | Data[] | Promise<Data[]> | WideData[] | Promise<WideData[]>

The data for the race visualization can be one of:

1- Array of `Data` objects.
2- Array of `WideData` objects.
3- Promise that resolves to an array of `Data` objects.
4- Promise that resolves to an array of `WideData` objects.
5- String representing the file path to load the data from.

container?: string | HTMLElement

Optional. The container element or selector. If not provided, a new <div> element will be created and appended to the document body.

options?: Partial<Options> = {}

Optional. Configuration object for chart options. Defaults to an empty object.



The function returns a promise that resolves to an object that allows interaction with the chart.



const data: Data[] | WideData[] | Promise<Data[]> | Promise<WideData[]> | string = [ ...fill with data... ];

const container = document.getElementById('race-container');

const options: Partial<Options> = {
width: 800,
height: 400,

const raceAPI = await race(data, container, options);;

Defined in
